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Ambrose M.
Age 12 years old
Age Uganda
Age Boy

Ambrose M.'s Story

Ambrose is lives in the Kaliro District. He is in primary five and loves social science. He is the first born of 6 Children and while away from school he enjoys taking care of animals and birds. His Father and mother are subsistence farmers with no other source of income. Without a clear source of income, the parents struggle to send him to school. Often times, he is sent back home due to his parent’s failure to provide school fees or books. Given the number of children in this home, the parents struggle to financially support all the children with quality education.Ambrose has a dream of becoming a doctor and we hope if supported he will transform his community.

Your $38 per month provides Ambrose M.:


Seasonally appropriate, well-fitting clothes and shoes


Clean drinking water and regular, healthy meals


School fees, uniforms, and supplies

Medical care

Regular medical and dental check-ups

Spiritual Development

Biblically-based, Christ-centered discipleship programming


Access to caring adults who provide wisdom and guidance

How It Works

Sponsoring a child is simple

Select a child to sponsor
Receive your Sponsorship Kit in the mail
Correspond with your child via letter twice a year, and you will receive periodic updates on his or her progress

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