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Vikash K.
Age 8 years old
Age India
Age Boy

Vikash K.'s Story

Vikash lost his father at a very tender age. So being a single mother it was very tough for her to handle her son’s wellbeing particularly his education. Because of being a daily wages worker with very low and irregular income, often she finds difficult to meet his needs. As Vikash is being the only a child to his mother, she was concerned about Vikash’s future and his progress in their life. She wants her child to get good education and have great achievements. But it is not possible by her own effort. So she approached our Partners in India for his immediate help and support.

Your $38 per month provides Vikash K.:


Seasonally appropriate, well-fitting clothes and shoes


Clean drinking water and regular, healthy meals


School fees, uniforms, and supplies

Medical care

Regular medical and dental check-ups

Spiritual Development

Biblically-based, Christ-centered discipleship programming


Access to caring adults who provide wisdom and guidance

How It Works

Sponsoring a child is simple

Select a child to sponsor
Receive your Sponsorship Kit in the mail
Correspond with your child via letter twice a year, and you will receive periodic updates on his or her progress

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